All the frequently asked questions for QuickRes!


If you've lost QuickRes or cannot update to a new version,
please email us here and we'll resend you a download link!

How do I access QuickRes' preferences?

Super easy, all you have to do is right-click the QuickRes menubar icon!

Does QuickRes support multiple monitors?

Yup! And, they are easily managed through our profiles tab available in QuickRes' preferences!

QuickRes used to have the resolution I wanted, but now I can't see it?

In a recent update we started hiding resolutions that weren't popular and were confusing some users. These resolutions are still available in QuickRes' preferences: Right-click the menubar icon, click on Preferences, then Advanced, and then check "Show stretched sizes" :)

Are there any keyboard shortcuts?

Keyboard Shortcuts
Change resolutions ⌘+⌥+R
Show menubar icon ^+⌥+⌘+I

What are some other apps that ThnkDev makes?

How can we follow you on Twitter?

QuickRes uses some open source software